
Posts Tagged ‘Windows Phone 7’

TechED Day 2 : Revived

October 19, 2010 2 comments

After getting some rest from the first day, I am feeling very excited about my sessions today. Will be focusing more on Windows Phone 7, Silverlight, Agile Development and then not to forget all things SharePoint 2010.

Closing event also starts at 18:30 tonight, and this year a must to attend.

So far TechED has really delivered on my expectations. Great sessions, wonderfull and very helpfull people. Better Expo than last year. Now just need them to pick my name for the new XBox 360 and the Kinect… 🙂

TechED Day 1 : Closing

October 18, 2010 Leave a comment

I truly forgot the intensity of TechED. If you are like me, you try and ensure that your full day is filled with sessions to get as much out fo the event as possible. Eight sessions later, and my brain is ready to explode.

Great ending to a great, but taxing first day. Covered some great sessions on Windows Phone 7, Team foundation server, Visual Studio and Agile database development, Entity Framework, Fuzzy creativitiy session and some great stuff aroound development for Internet Explorer 9.

Looking forward to tomorrow and the sessions on my list. Have my notebook full of notes, and will sit down shortly to start turning them into some funky stuff to play with, as well as some blog posts to share the experience.