Home > Windows 10 > It’s the night before Christmas…

It’s the night before Christmas…

And so it is. Tonight literally feels like the night before christmas so many years ago when I was a child. Anxiously waiting in anticipation to open my gifts. This time however, my gift will be the official release of Windows 10. 🙂

Social media has been buzzing with articles about features and how the deployment will work etc. And rightly so. This is a big deal. preparation to deploy to 1 billion devices. Windows are a service (WaaS). Last major release of Windows and finally one Windows to rule them all… 🙂

So what am I looking forward to. To me the following small items is really compelling to me. And although I haven’t dived deep into the very specific technical changes that are coming, some of the more superficial and also features are compelling to. Both from an Enterprise and Consumer perspective.

  • Streaming Xbox games on Windows 10. So this is a consumer goodie for me. I tested this a few nights ago and it works amazingly well. This means I can now be anywhere in my home and play on my XBox One, without being in my office. And although this might seem a bit silly, it will really allow me to more flexible about my gaming
  • One app for Windows. From an enterprise perspective this to me is huge. Although we had a bridge for this in Windows 8, the UWP in Windows 10 is really amazing. And I can see so much potential for this. In fact we are busy with a Windows 10 app as we speak and will hopefully release not to long after the Windows 10 release.
  • Multiple desktops. So this was a feature I used a lot on Linux, when that was my primary OS of choice. Although I am accustomed to not having it, knowing it’s back, I’ll definitely be making use of it.
  • Windows as a Service. though I am still struggling a bit to wrap my head around this, it just means that improvements and features will constantly be streaming in. Not sure how they will monetize this. Let’s hope it’s not In-OS purchases for features, although that could work?
  • Hello Me. I must admit this I am looking forward to. Although I used something similar more than 14 years ago and it worked well. What excites me more is the SDK for it.

There are many more, but these are the main ones for now.

Unfortunately only one of my personal devices will be updated tomorrow. The rest of my devices are work related and activation and updates will only come through on the 1st, but having said that, I am basically running it already.

Next big thing for me will be the Phone update and the obvious Xbox One update. 🙂

Categories: Windows 10 Tags:
  1. July 28, 2015 at 20:26

    Enjoy your Christmas present! I need to wait a while because Win10 is not compatible with my VMWare graphics drivers running on my Mac, yet. Multiple desktops sounds great, used these a lot on Ubuntu. Heck, did I just mention Apple and Ubuntu in a Windows thread. Shame on me…

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